Anue Water WEF E-Blast
WEF Featured 4 of Our Treatment of Wastewater, Odor, Corrosion, and FOG Control Technologies with Published Success Stories
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) recently featured Anue Water’s four technologies for treatment of wastewater, odor, corrosion, and FOG control. These wastewater treatment technologies have been used all across North America for municipal and i...
RV Park in Granby, CO: Success with Anue’s Wastewater Odor Control Equipment FORSe System
Water & Wastes Digest (circulation 80,000) published its latest issue, featuring a wonderful case study on Granby, Colorado's success at odor elimination with wastewater odor control equipment using Anue's FORSe oxygen injection system, entitled,...
Anue Water’s Flo Spec Software for Remote Digital Telemetry
Having the right wastewater odor control equipment is just the beginning. With Anue’s FORSe® and Phantom® oxygen/ozone injection systems, you also get our Flo Spec Control Software.
This software allows you to monitor and manage your odor co...
A Suburban Community Uses Anue’s FORSe® Oxygen/Ozone System for the Treatment of Wastewater
WaterWorld magazine published a wastewater success story featuring Anue’s FORSe® Oxygen/Ozone System with remote digital telemetry for outstanding odor and corrosion control.
What We Did
Water World’s case study highlights how the suburb of Chester...
Targeting H2S – Anue Water’s Wastewater Odor Control Equipment FORSe Oxygen/Ozone System Featured in TPO Magazine
Anue Water Technologies was recently featured in the September 2017 issue of TPO Magazine. The article highlights how our FORSe 5 system works to target H2S. This success story specifically discusses our wastewater odor control equipment for a lift s...
High-Efficiency Ozone/Oxygen Generation
Anue Water Technologies Inc. (AWT), a manufacturer and service provider of high efficiency ozone/oxygen generation systems in the United States, presents the next generation of the Phantom system. This system offers a cost-effective solution for wet ...