
WEF Featured 4 of Our Treatment of Wastewater, Odor, Corrosion, and FOG Control Technologies with Published Success Stories


The Water Environment Federation (WEF) recently featured Anue Water’s four technologies for treatment of wastewater, odor, corrosion, and FOG control. These wastewater treatment technologies have been used all across North America for municipal and industrial organizations to save money through the reduction of chemical and operational costs and to provide a better environment for their employees and neighbors. We are happy to have provided these solutions and encourage you to read their success stories.

Anue Water Technologies is an innovative manufacturer and marketer of eco-friendly technologies (ie oxygen, ozone, carbon, remote digital telemetry, well-washers) for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment and process water applications. We bring proprietary technology and custom engineering to provide highly effective and economical solutions for the control of odor, corrosion, FOG (fats, oils, grease), and the reduction and reuse of water resources.

We invite you to learn more about four of our designs, focusing on the delivery of technology that is highly effective, sustainable, and provides cost-savings.

Phantom Ozone/Oxygen Injection System

Lift Station Vapor Space & Liquid Phase Odor Removal

Anue’s Phantom Series provides point source odor elimination by infusing ozone into recycled wastewater to react with and remove hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans from collection system lift stations. View product info.

Phantom Oxygen/Ozone Injection System Resolves Odor Problem at Granby, Colorado

Published in Water & Wastes Digest, July, 2020
Located 30 miles south of Rocky Mountain National Park, Granby RV Park is a place for RV owners and other nature enthusiasts to convene and enjoy the outdoors. To ensure campers, whitewater rafters and other frequenters enjoy the vast expanses the area has to offer, tackling a less enjoyable issue at the Granby RV Park, specifically an odor issue, was at the forefront of Granby Sanitation District’s agenda.  Read full article.

wastewater odor control equipment AnueFORSe Ozone/Oxygen Injection System

Environmentally Friendly Odor and Corrosion Control

Anue’s FORSe series technology was created to treat wastewater corrosion and odor in force mains and lift stations. These systems are designed to solve the problems at their source, typically anaerobic sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB). View product info.

FORSe Oxygen/Ozone Injection System Eliminates Odor and Corrosion Problems for Chestermere Lake, Alberta, Canada

Published in Water World, September 2017
Incorporated in 2014, the new city of Chestermere Lake is a suburb community of Calgary, Alberta. Like most of the local suburbs, it relies on the city of Calgary for final treatment of its municipal wastewater. Chestermere Lake pumps its wastewater several miles – from its collection system to one of Calgary’s treatment facilities – via force mains. Read full article.

EnviroPrep (EP) Well-Washers

Lift Station FOG Control

Anue’s patented Enviroprep™ Systems condition wastewater to provide ongoing lift station cleaning. This amazing technology greatly reduces or eliminates the need for costly vacuum truck and manual confined space clean-outs, providing immediate operational savings and improved safety. View product info.

EnviroPrep Well-Washers Clean Out FOG (fat, oil, grease) in Bonney Lake, Washington and Carlsbad, California

Published in Water & Wastes Digest, July 2017
Wastewater treatment is a dirty job, but with dirt comes cleaning. Wastewater treatment professionals spend valuable time cleaning various system components. Ask nearly any municipal wastewater crew member and they will tell you that one of the most time-consuming cleaning challenges is FOG—fats, oils and grease. Read full article.

Engineered Odor Control Covers with Carbon-Filters

Reinforced Geomembranes for Odor Control

Anue’s Engineered Odor Control System technology is a patented, custom designed Geomembrane system with integrated odor control filters to reduce odor emissions for almost any shape or size area, and is suitable for most climates. View product info.

Anue Geomembrane Covers with Carbon-Filters knock out odors at Coca Cola Bottling Plant

Published in Treatment Plant Operator, June 2020
In 2017, a bottling plant in Brazil received frequent complaints about odors from its wastewater facility, especially from a neighboring hotel. At the same time, operators were looking to improve the safety of the wastewater tanks and seeking cost savings. The treatment plant had two rectangular reactors with rigid covers that still released odors even when odor-reducing chemicals were used. Read full article.