Oxygen and Ozone Water Treatment Enhances Safety, Reduces Costs, and Protects Equipment

Pumps & Systems Magazine published an article in their September 2021 issue by Anue Water Technologies. It discusses how the use of oxygen and ozone in water treatment improves safety, decreases costs, and preserves expensive equipment.

Here is an excerpt from that article.


Industrial Corrosion Control: Protection from Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

Many issues related to odor and corrosion within industrial systems stem from the presence of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Due to poor ventilation, this H2S and its compounds can build and release through the system’s receptors, which causes harsh odors. Extremely toxic, these gases can create dangerous psychological effects at high levels. They can also damage metals and corrode equipment when in contact with moist steel or concrete.


Finding Effective Wastewater Odor Control and Corrosion Solutions

While vapor phase and liquid phase techniques have traditionally been used to provide industrial corrosion control and odor solutions, they can also be problematic. In some instances, these treatments have been known to release unharmful nitrogen instead of H2S. Also, for these techniques to be effective, the amount of chemicals used must increase over time, which can become quite costly. And once the treatments end, H2S may come back stronger than before due to excessive build-up in wet wells. Currently, federal and state governments are introducing regulations that could limit the use of nitrate concentrations due to discharge limitations.

Effective wastewater odor control and corrosion treatment should:

  • Eliminate H2S and sulfide production
  • Preserve industrial collection systems
  • Prevent the release of harmful chemicals
  • Provide cost-effective solutions


The Use of Ozone in Water Treatment

The best way to provide effective industrial corrosion control and odor solutions is by using ozone in water treatment. Compared to chemicals used in the vapor phase and liquid phase techniques, ozone is safer and more sustainable. This is because it is a form of atmospheric oxygen that is produced naturally. Due to its high oxidation potential and instability, it has reactive capabilities that have been proven to eliminate harsh compounds and metals, as well as reduce the demands for chemical oxygen.


Combining Oxygen and Ozone in Wastewater Treatment

When oxygen and ozone are combined, they provide one of the most sustainable, safe, and cost-effective solutions to corrosion and wastewater odor control. When ozone interacts with H2S, it converts the gas into sulfides. This chemical reaction generates oxygen, which promotes ozone oxidation and the growth of unharmful bacteria that are not corrosive or odorous. When combined with liquid phase infusion, this oxygen and ozone wastewater treatment will destroy harmful compounds while preserving costly equipment.

To learn more, please read the full article.


About Anue Water Technologies

Anue Water Technologies manufacturers eco-friendly wastewater treatment products that provide industrial corrosion control and odor solutions that solve problems and generate savings.

To learn additional information about Anue’s products and services, contact us online or call us at 760-727-2683.