
EnviroPrep® Washer Eliminates FOG in Wastewater Treatment Lift Station Maintenance

Oxygen ozone water control company, Anue’s EnviroPrep well-washing and pretreatment system was featured in an article in World Water magazine’s July/August 2018 issue. This technology can be used to eliminate fat, oil, and grease (FOG) buildup in wastewater treatment lift station maintenance. Read an excerpt from the published article:

Utility Solves FOG Buildup Through Lift Station Maintenance

A large regional wastewater system in Florida was continuously engaged in a repetitive battle with FOG that blanketed the equipment and walls on the inside of its lift stations. Some of these lift stations would accumulate a mat of FOG up to 1.3 meter (4 feet) thick, creating a major problem for the maintenance supervisor. Consequently, the relentless need for vacuum and water truck services placed a burden on the utility’s maintenance budget. Additionally, dry weather spills and overheating force mains exacerbated the problem and drove the utility to look for new solutions.

The supervisor first decided to purchase an electromechanical system positioned at the bottom of the well used for oxygen ozone water control. The system received wastewater and pushed it out the other side under pressure. This mechanical system promised to break up the FOG and relieve the facilities from much of their costly lift station maintenance problems. After deploying the new system, the utility discovered that the product delivered results in some instances, but it also produced a myriad of new maintenance issues and added labor costs to fix and maintain the system. The system only traded one problem for another problem, as mechanical breakdown was a frequent occurrence.

A few months later, the supervisor purchased Anue Water Technologies’ patented EnviroPrep (EP) Series well-washing and pretreatment system. Unlike other systems for lift station maintenance, the EP system works from above the waterline of a wet well, using recycled wastewater via a tapped discharge from the force main or a dedicated pump. Its mechanical action keeps the wells free of crusting and buildup while keeping the FOG from settling in the lift station. The unit’s mechanical action also adds dissolved oxygen to the system, helping to reduce odor-causing bacteria.


Learn More About Our Oxygen Ozone Water Control Wastewater Treatment Technologies

See how the EnviroPrep Series oxygen ozone water control helped the Florida lift station maintenance eliminate their FOG problem in just two hours by reading the rest of the article.

To see how we can put this wastewater treatment technology to work for your application, please email us at or call 760-727-2683 today.

For more information on oxygen ozone water control, industrial odor control, municipal sewer water, commercial odor control and more, visit our website today!