
Odor Control Unit for Lift Station: Eliminate Hydrogen Sulfide

Anue Water used their commercial odor control to help eliminate hydrogen sulfide odors at a pump station. An odor control unit for lift station helps to eliminate and work on industrial odor control. 

The Problem Finding Wastewater Odor Control

High hydrogen sulfide levels at the Forest Hills Pump Station in Pikeville, Kentucky created odor and a possible health risk for the surrounding area. 

In need of wastewater odor control, the station was located at a major intersection and across the street from a high school and football stadium. Operators tried various powerful chemicals and other wastewater odor control but had limited success. They needed wastewater odor control equipment that could provide the industrial odor control they required. 

Solution for Odor Control Unit for Lift Station

The operators tried a Phantom odor control system for wastewater from Anue Water Technologies. This wastewater odor control equipment uses sidestream wastewater to draw in concentrated oxygen and ozone for oxygen treatment and ozone water treatment. 

The aerated ozonated stream is delivered back to the wet well through well washing systems that uniformly transfers the oxygen and ozone for FOG and oxygen ozone water treatment, wastewater odor control and industrial corrosion control. 

The Results

The hydrogen sulfide levels dropped to 9 ppm after the first day of operation and to zero during the second day. 


To learn more about odor control unit for lift stations, wastewater treatment, commercial odor control, municipal sewer water treatment, oxygen ozone water treatment, and more wastewater odor control equipment, contact Anue Water today!